• Funded by doantions
  • Volunteers on Call 24-7
  • Specialist Underground Search & Rescue
The British Cave Rescue Council (BCRC) is the Representative body for voluntary underground rescue in the British Isles.

About Us

Formed in 1967 to represent and support its members at National and International level, promote the exchange of information between member rescue organisations and provide a common voice for them. The BCRC is a coordinating and not a governing body, the individual cave rescue organisations remain entirely autonomous and independent.

More details about underground rescues, incident reports and the history of cave rescue can be found on the About Cave Rescue page.

The locations and details of the 16 volunteer underground rescue organisations that are members of the British Cave Rescue Council can be found on the Rescue Teams pages.

Supporting Cave Rescue

British Cave Rescue Council


If you wish to support the work of cave rescue teams contact your local team (see Rescue Teams page), or the BCRC Secretary Emma Porter.

You can also make online donations, to help BCRC support British Cave Rescue, through our PayPal account using the Donate button.




 Donate While You Shop 

You can donate to BCRC while you shop by using Give as you Live – raise money for us when you shop online, or make a donation now:
Donate via Give as You Live
You can also donate to us by signing up to easyfundraising and see your favourite brands donate to BCRC whenever you shop with them. Sign up to Easy Fundraising

  Important Note  

In an emergency if you need the assistance of a UK cave rescue team you should dial 999 and ask for the Police, then for Cave Rescue.

BCRC News & Events

ResCon24 – Update


On the weekend of 7th – 9th June over 100 delegates from 13 underground rescue teams, 3 Mountain Rescue Teams as well as HM Coastguard and the Police descended on Nenthead in Cumbria.... READ MORE

Celebration of Distinguished Service


BCRC celebrates 32 years of service by Jim Davis as BCRC Training Officer British Cave Rescue Council officers and teams expressed appreciation to Jim Davis for 32 years continuous service as Training Officer... READ MORE

AGM 2024


Over the weekend of 27th-28th April teams from across the UK and Ireland gathered for the British Cave Rescue Council AGM. Saturday the 27th saw a day of collaboration, skills, information sharing and... READ MORE

Emergency Services Show 2023


We had a stand in the Collaboration Zone in Hall 4 (stand G44) at the 2023 Emergency Services Show, NEC, Birmingham on 19th and 20th September. Thanks to everyone who came along to... READ MORE